We are excited to share that we have a project "Fan Faire in the August 2024 edition of American Patchwork Quilts & More.

Thelma and Weezer were out for a day of shopping and decided to purchase a layer cake of the Tilda fabric grouping "Pie in the Sky". It is a brighter color palette for Thelma but the vintage appeal and quilts created in the quilt shop were enough to lure her in for a purchase. Thelma seems to be attracted to the fan blade quilt block so decided this was the perfect block to use his fabric in with its vintage feel. Using Acorn Precision Piecing Glue in the project allowed for a easy way to truly make an old fashioned "hemmed" edge on the fan blades. The project can be made using 2 charm packs or a half of a layer cake if you have a friend to make the project with!! Using 8 wt Eleganza pearl cotton and beads, it was the perfect way to finish off the table topper!!!
This fabric line has been VERY VERY popular so with the acceptance of the magazine, it was nearly impossible to find yardage. A 20 yard bundle was available (1 yard of each sku) so it was quickly ordered, a little diagram created to put with the fabric bundle for cutting when the fabric arrived and all should be well!! .............. if any of you know Thelma, she doesn't jump into "cutting kits" quickly tho so this past week with the publishing date looming she opened up the fabric and began to cut. Much to her dismay, she realized upon calculating kit prices she hadn't figured in enough fabric therefore if you are purchasing a kit you will find the prices is higher than posted in the magazine. At least the error was caught before the kits were packaged and shipped off!!! SO - i apologize for the price difference - it was an honest mistake - it is NOT our policy to publish a price and charge a different price when you are on our website!! The magazine editor was very nice about the error as well and I have to look beyond it and be thankful it was caught before the kits were shipped off!!
This is a fun little summer project and we love the pictures that American Patchwork did with the project!!