Wow, do you feel like the days go by in the blink of an eye??  We just turned the calendar to August and here we are already to the middle of the month!  Before I know it I will be back full time at the tax office and I feel like I have nothing to show for my summer works!! 

I have been busy working on a new block of the month with Marcus Fabrics.  I am very excited about it.  Several years ago when we were a brick & mortar quilt shop our wool group worked on the Penny Arounds which were a project each month to switch out on a background with wool pennies.  This will be very similar to that project.  I have just started working on a farm themed grouping as well.  The unfortunate part is I cannot show the Flower Box Friends projects as of yet.  We will be offering ours as a subscription box.  Each month the participant will receive the project, a favorite wool notion of mine, and a MN made carmel. I hope to release details in the upcoming weeks.

We have had a couple of projects in American Patchwork & Quilting which has been fun!  We have never had back to back projects before so that was exciting.  

Fan Faire - June 2024

Fan Faire June 2024

Tiny Flourishes August 2024

Tiny Flourishes August 2024

The verdict is still out on the pop up sale in Prinsburg, MN yet this year.   I have taken a class and have had a lot of homework with it so its just been a weird year for productivity even tho much of my time is spent in my studio.   

Stay tuned for our upcoming subscription box offerings.  I am excited to give this new form of marketing a try!!  

Wishing you a day filled with peace and some quiet time!

Shalom~ Thelma