We are excited to announce our 2023 bus trip information. We are leaving Clara City at 7:30 am on Monday July 31st for a day of fun!! Our first stop will be in Hutchinson at Quilt Haven on Main at 8:30 am. From there we will travel to Buttermilk Basin arriving at 11:15 am and departing at 1 pm. We will have lunch from a locally owned deli at the Basin classroom which is included in your bus fee. At approximately 1:30 pm we will visit the second location of Front Porch Quilts in Anoka. From there we will travel to The Noble Quilter in Elk River. After a day of shopping we will end our day at Crow River Winery in Hutchinson for a bite to eat and a beverage to sip on (on own). We expect to arrive back to Clara City at approximately 7:30 pm spending a day with friends who have become our quilting family!! Cost is $80.00. Please send your check to: Shades of the Past, PO Box 765, Clara City, MN 56222 by June 1st to reserve your seat!! Send an email through our website or email us at shadesofpastquilting@yahoo.com
4 Patches & The Crow